7th Annual Silent Samaritans Breakfast
Location: Hotel Arista, Naperville, IL 60563
Start Date/Time: February 04, 2014 - 7:30 a.m.
End Date/Time: February 04, 2014 – 9:15 a.m.
Make a difference by attending this annual breakfast to support Silent Samaritans. Keynote Speaker will be Paula D’Arcy. Paula D’Arcy is an inspired woman whose courage and openness in sharing her story has affected the lives of thousands. As an author, speaker and as a survivor of tragedy and a seeker of life beyond tragedy, her journal about the loss of her young family to her more recent books, are all revelations from her experiences. People are mesmerized, touched and often able to make a shift in their thinking about their own losses upon hearing Paula speak. 7:30 at Hotel Arista, 2139 City Gate Lane. $25 per person. Please RSVP by phone, email or register on line by January 22. Kathryn Severyn at 630.357.2456 x 22 or kseveryn@samaritancenter.org. www.samaritancenter.org.
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