
Naperville Men's Glee Club Voices of Hope

Location: North Central College Wentz Concert Hall at the Fine Arts Center, Naperville, IL 60540
Start Date/Time: April 28, 2013 - 3 pm
End Date/Time: April 28, 2013 – 5 pm

North Central College hosts the Naperville Men’s Glee Club performance “Voices of Hope” at 3 p.m. Sunday, April 28, in the College’s Wentz Concert Hall at the Fine Arts Center, 171 E. Chicago Ave. To commemorate its 25th anniversary, the Naperville Men’s Glee Club invites anyone who has been impacted by cancer to join in this event. The chorus will be called the “Voices of Hope” and will include patients, cancer survivors, family members, friends, caregivers and medical professionals. Artistic director Bonnie Klee Roberts will lead the chorus in an uplifting and entertaining performance of popular songs. Visit www.nmgc.org or call 630-448-0518 for concert details.



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