Pivotal Posture

Appears in the May 2018 issue.

Dr Jennifer Wright, for Naperville Magazine (“Ask the Doctor”)

Physical therapist Jennifer Wright offers strategies to alleviate the computer fatigue many experience

In my 28 years as a physical therapist, I have found that more and more people of all ages are coming in with unintentional stress-related injuries. Patients have neck and back strains, headaches, hip stiffness and chronic pain.

Why are they having all of these issues? They don’t move enough. So many people are at their computers all day in poor posture positions, and because of it, they’re in pain. Managing your movement during the work day can alleviate the physical and mental fatigue associated with the digital age.


Follow the 90-90-90 rule. Position your elbows, hips, and ankles in a 90-degree position with wrists in a neutral position for optimal alignment.

Place your monitor 20 to 40 inches from your face. Adjust your monitor so the center of the screen is at eye level. If you wear progressive lenses or bifocals, pay attention to how you hold your head. Arrange the screen so that you don’t have to tip your head back to read.

Arrange office supplies within sight and reach. Work to keep your body in front of your workspace, instead of having to rotate left and right to use your phone, stapler or pens.

Get a headset. Avoid cradling the phone between your neck and shoulder which can strain your muscles and spine.

Move! At least once an hour get up and walk a bit. Movement is the crux of managing the physical stress of the computer age.

Don’t be a slouch. Use the lumbar support on your office chair or purchase a lumbar roll. The backrest should support the natural curve of the lower back.