What Happens in Naperville…
By Mark Loehrke
Appears in the October 2024 issue.
New gaming parlor slides into small unincorporated sliver of the city

Sometimes when you gamble on zoning provisions, you come up a winner. That certainly appears to be the case for Betsy’$ Slots, a regional gaming parlor chain that is slated to open its eighth area location this fall in Naperville—despite the fact that the city prohibits gaming within its borders. The new parlor, which will serve alcohol and feature six slot machines, is taking advantage of a 2019 DuPage County code change that allows gaming in unincorporated areas. Given that the new Betsy’$ location at 1001 East Ogden Avenue happens to sit on a small unincorporated patch surrounded by the City of Naperville, it falls under the county rule. In other words, it would appear as though Betsy’$ has hit the zoning jackpot.
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