Bulldog Breakfast
By Michelle Dellinger
February 2020 View more Kudos

On Thursday mornings Covenant Living at the Holmstad resident Judy Johnson sets her alarm for 5:30 a.m. That’s because she, along with a group of eight others from the retirement community, start their volunteer duties just 45 minutes later. The group of residents make and serve a weekly breakfast to high school students throughout the year.
“We get to the church by 6:15 in the morning and our work begins with preparing the pancakes, French toast sticks, egg casserole, and sausages,” says Johnson, about the intergenerational program. “We’ve got our system down—from putting out a lawn sign to remind students, setting up the buffet lines, getting the juice table ready, greeting students at the door, and then ultimately washing the dirty dishes afterwards.”
It’s all part of the Bulldog Breakfast held at Batavia Covenant Church, which is just across the street from Batavia High School. On Thursdays the students have a late start; all are welcome to stop by the church for a nutritious and free beginning to the school day.
On any given Thursday, there could be upwards of 200 students who stop by for the meal. The Reverend Eric Landin says this all comes from the idea of giving back and providing blessings to the community. He’s encouraged by the number of students who show up from a variety of social settings within the school.
Photo courtesy Covenant Living at the Holmstad