Fall Wine Walk
Location: Downtown Naperville, Naperville, IL 60540
Start Date/Time: October 03, 2021 - 11:30 a.m.
End Date/Time: October 03, 2021 – 5 p.m.
Stroll through Downtown Naperville’s favorite shops while tasting a variety of wines and listen to musicians along the way. Proceeds benefit ArranmoreArts programming. $50/ticket.
New for Fall 2021: Insulated Wine Glasses and new varietals of wine!
With ticket purchase and staggered start-times, age-appropriate attendees may select to attend on Sunday, October 3rd with ticket proceeds benefitting ArranmoreArts (limited number of tickets available.)
COVID Safe guidelines:
-2-hour time limit to complete walk
-Face masks are to be worn except while drinking wine.
-Stores will have capacity limits
-Socially distance from other participants
-Check-in times will be monitored, no late entrance accepted
Check-In location is SixtyFour Wine Bar & Kitchen TENT | 123 WATER STREET, NAPERVILLE, IL 60540. Start there and receive your map of wine locations and a souvenir glass. Please be prompt with check-in times. Start there and receive your map of wine locations and a souvenir glass. Please be prompt with check-in times. Questions? information@arranmorearts.org

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