Kudos | Wedding Gift
By Michelle Dellinger
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Local wedding planner Kristin Anderson has found a way to bridge the gap between her professional and philanthropic work. Her events company, Weddings & Events by Kristin, donates leftover wedding food to DuPagePads, a social service agency serving the homeless—an idea prompted by a previous employee, Alan Solowski. “My brides are loving it,” says Anderson. “When I’ve presented the idea to clients, they have all been super responsive.”
So far over 2,500 meals have been delivered to DuPagePads clients. “We are taking the food that Kristin generously donates to our overnight sites,” says president and CEO Carol Simler. “She has certainly changed the lives
of so many.”
Anderson encourages others in the industry to adopt a similar program. “If you are a venue, event planner or restaurant,” she says, “please consider giving back to the community.”