Lettuce Help You
By Naperville Magazine
Appears in the November 2021 issue.
Carlos and Katie Palomares, owners of Mighty Greens Farms in Elburn, know you’ve been neglecting your salad bowl of late. Don’t be ashamed; it happens every year.
After a summer spent playing giddy matchmaker—sweet lettuces here, microgreens there—you’re probably buying whatever pallid grocery-store greens you could find and calling it a night. Fortunately, the farm’s year-round greens program—available via subscription or farm pickups—allows you to enjoy super-sweet greens year-round.
Frilly Salanova lettuces, ultra crunchy and earthy sunflower shoots, and pepper-flecked Tokyo bekana cabbage.
“It’s challenging to do this all year,” says Carlos, who leverages cold-frame greenhouses, “but with the support of people in the community, we always found a way to make it through.”
Photo courtesy Mighty Greens Farms