Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” The 1880 proclamation by Englishman William Morris—long before Marie Kondo’s spark-joy litmus test—has been a Golden Rule of his Arts and Crafts movement for over a century.
The famous Red House he constructed in southeast London was an inspiration for a local home built by general contractor Mia Rubinstein 20 years ago.
“It’s a celebration of nature,” she says of the home. “The most important part of our current lifestyle is to bring nature into the house.”—MD
Seeing Red The five-bedroom, four-bath Red House in Lisle is currently on the market for $1 million. For more information, contact Monarque Real Estate, 630.637.0997. To read about the Red House in England that inspired it (now a café and bookshop run by preservation nonprofit National Trust), visit nationaltrust.org.uk.