Turn Up the Heat
By Michelle Dellinger
Appears in the January 2018 issue.
To kickstart your 2018 fitness routine, we tapped local trainer Arianne Kinsella for high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts that torch maximum calories in a minimum amount of time.
Trainer Arianne Kinsella
CrossFit Mischief
2950 Ogden Avenue, Aurora
Certifications CrossFit Level 1, CrossFit
Endurance, USAW Level 1, CPR/AED
Fitness philosophy
To build a supportive community with quality coaching to achieve a higher quality of life. Hour-long classes are led by expert coaches and combine elements of high-intensity interval training, gymnastics, weightlifting and more.
Workout 1 | 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Burpees and V-Ups
The goal This full-body workout builds lean muscle mass and core strength and helps manage weight by increasing aerobic and anaerobic capacities.
The plan Set a timer and at the count of 3, 2, 1 … go! Begin with 10 burpees and 10 v-ups, immediately going to the next the set of 9 burpees and 9 V-ups, then 8 burpees and 8 V-ups, and so on. Continue this pattern until you have completed 1 burpee and 1 V-up. Note the time you finished: Your score is the time it takes you to complete the workout.
Time commitment Varies
Burpee Stand tall, then squat down with hands on the floor. Step (or jump) back to a plank position, then do a push-up back up to the plank. Step or jump the legs back, then explosively jump in the air.
V-Up Begin by lying on your back. With legs straight and together, bring them up toward your torso. At the same time, extend arms overhead and reach for your toes, creating a pike position. Return to lying flat and repeat.
Workout 2 | 21-15-9
The goal This full-body HIIT workout increases stamina, strengthens the legs, core and arms, builds lean muscle mass, increases aerobic and anaerobic capacities and helps with weight management.
The plan Set a timer and at the count of 3, 2, 1 … go! Begin with 21 kettlebell swings, then complete 15 weighted step-ups and 9 burpees; this concludes 1 round. The goal is to try to get as many rounds as possible finished in 9 minutes. Record your total rounds completed, plus reps: Your score is the combination of numbers.
Time commitment 9 minutes
Kettlebell Swings Squat down to pick up the kettlebell, then stand tall with feet shoulder-width apart and arms in front. Descend hips back and down, lowering the kettlebell, and swing though the thighs keeping the torso and arms straight. Pop the kettlebell back to the starting position.
Burpee Stand tall, then squat down with hands on the floor. Step (or jump) back to a plank position, then do a push-up back up to the plank. Step or jump the legs back, then explosively jump in the air.
Weighted Step-Ups Squat down to pick up two dumbbells or kettlebells, one in each arm, and stand tall. Step up onto the top of the box. Fully extend the hips, legs and torso at top, then step down.
Workout 3 | Tabata
The goal Tabata workouts are high intensity and burn a lot of calories. They’re ideal for weight management, building lean muscle mass and increasing aerobic and anaerobic capacities in a full-body workout.
The plan 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest. Complete all 8 rounds of the same movement, then move on to the next movement. Record your reps for each round: Your score is the total reps completed. The goal is to maintain the same number of reps you completed in round 1 throughout. For example: If you complete 10 reps in round 1, the goal is to maintain 10 reps for rounds 2–8.
Time commitment 16 minutes
Air Squat Stand tall with feet at shoulder width, toes facing forward or slightly turned out, with a neutral spine and neck. Descend hips back and down, with knees over the toes, arms forward. Stop when the hip crease is below the knee. Drive through the heels and return to start.
Push-Up Begin in a plank position, with hands shoulder-width apart and legs extended straight. Lower the chest and thighs to the ground with the body remaining tight and the elbows close to the body. Once the chest touches the ground, return to the plank position.
Butterfly Sit-Up Begin seated on the ground with the soles of the feet together. While the torso goes backward, hands go overhead and touch the ground. Flex the abs and pull the body forward into the seated position. Reach the hands forward and touch the feet.
Russian Twist Begin on the ground in a seated position. While keeping the spine straight, lean the torso back slightly. Begin to rotate from side to side. To increase intensity, hold weight with both arms, touch it to the ground each time you rotate to a side. Each side counts as one rep.