Pretty in Pink

Appears in the October 2023 issue.

By Peter Gianopulos

A photogenic new dessert spot in Warrenville

A dessert from Sweet Vibes Dessert Lounge

Do you still believe in magic wishes and modern fairy tales? Well, you should, because to hear Wajahat Jafri and his wife, Nimra Malik, tell it, they’re living one right now. During the pandemic, they went house-hunting, only to find that home prices were more inflated than Prince Charming’s ego. So they decided instead to pour their hard-earned down payment into opening a rather colorful shop in Warrenville called Sweet Vibes Dessert Lounge (28258 Diehl Rd.).

The design scheme? Fragonard on acid. It’s a true stunner. More pink hues than the latest Margot Robbie movie. Hundreds of faux roses curlicue themselves from the walls. And magenta neon signs glow with feel-good messages that read “you’re like really pretty” and “Take A Seat Sweet Cheeks.” And if all this weren’t inviting enough, there’s also a blush-colored telephone booth and a forever-in-bloom cherry blossom tree near the front door.

The whole experience is built to look Instagram sweet and taste even sweeter. You can order three different types of build-your-own Belgian waffle treats—square waffles, waffle balls, or a bubble-shaped waffle tart—and then smother them with all sorts of drizzles, swizzles, and scoops of ice cream. Everything is customizable, right down to a food printer that will place your favorite symbols and sayings onto the frothy crown of lattes and cappuccinos.

But if you’re looking for the real happy ending, it’s that the shop is proving to be a dream come true for the couple. Ever since she was a child, Nimra fantasized about living and a working in space filled with flowers. And Wajaharit has long harbored dreams of being his own boss. “We saw an opportunity and grabbed it,” Wajaharit says.


Photo: Sweet Vibes