Flag Raising

June 2021 View more

Fox Valley Patriotic Organization hosted its Swinging for the Stars and Stripes event at Topgolf Naperville on April 25. Participants enjoyed three hours of golf, food, and friendly competition at the interactive entertainment venue.

“Topgolf is such a great place to have fun while supporting a great cause,” explains Aaron Wauters,
FVPO board member.

Proceeds from the event support the group’s initiative to build a monument in downtown Batavia. The city was selected because Dr. Bernard Cigrand, widely considered to have been the Father of Flag Day, was a Batavia resident. The town is also home to FlagSource, a major manufacturer of U.S. flags. The monument will portray our country’s history from 1776 through 2016, and plans to break ground June 2022.

Additional fundraising events can be found on the organization’s website, flagdaymonument.com. Challenge coins and commemorative bricks can also be purchased on the site.

“Despite today’s polarized universe I think we can all agree that we live in a great country,” Wauters states. “The monument is all about patriotism and celebrating being an American.”

Photos by Don Gonzalez and Rendering Courtesy FVPO